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Thigpen Library @ Livingston: Hours and Services


Information about the library specialists and library hours for each site is listed below. If you have any additional questions or problems accessing any of the content in this guide, please contact the Gallatin campus library at 615-230-3400 or; additional contact information is available here. To access the library's website, go to or access the library directly from eLearn using the Library Resources & Support box in every course and on your homepage.


The Livingston library is located in Room 103 and incorporates a computer lab; see here for computer lab information.

Library specialist hours for the Fall 2022 semester:

  • Monday 8:00am - 1:00pm
  • Tuesday 8:00am - 1:00pm
  • Wednesday 8:00am - 1:00pm
  • Thursday 8:00am - 1:00pm

Your Livingston library specialist is Kaylie Staggs. She can be reached at 931-823-7065 (X5247) or toll-free at 800-563-8220 (ask to be connected to the library). The library specialist's hours above may change due to staffing and student needs. Research appointments may also be made with a library specialist outside of those designated hours or virtual reference appointments can be made with librarians at the main library..

If a library specialist is not present, Livingston students are encouraged to contact the main library using the Ask a Librarian information.

Library instruction services are provided: faculty, please contact the library specialist to schedule a session.

Kaylie Staggs (

931-823-7065 ext. 5247

Director of Library Services and Learning Resources

Profile Photo
Becky Frank
Thigpen Library, Room 128