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NoodleTools Guide: Add Sources

Get the basics on using this citation management software.

  The Sources screen is where you "Create a new citation" by entering the details about the sources you are using for your project.

  • you identify where you found your information,
  • what type of information source you used, and
  • complete the citation form.

Follow the steps on this page for an overview of how to Add Sources or watch the Video Tutorial: Create a Citation in Noodle Tools (below).

Step 1: Go to Sources

Select Sources icon from Projects screen

Sources icon on Projects page

or from Contents menu when project is open

sources icon on Contents menu

NOTE: the number 3 next to the Source icon example is the number of sources for the project.

Step 2: Create new source

On the Sources screen top menu bar– click "New Source" button

sources screen top menu bar show New Source button

Step 3: Where did you find the source?

Begin adding a new source by identifying where your found the source.

  • The NoodleTools pop-up menu "Where is it?" asks you to "click the option above that describes how you accessed this source."
  • Options are: "Database", "Website", "Print or in-hand", "Viewed/heard live", "File, app, e-book", or "Other".

NoodleTools - Sources "Where is it?"

Why is this important? Each option retrieves a different form and requires different information. For example, the same article from the same scholarly journal discovered in database, found on the publisher's website, or used from the library's print copy of the journal requires slightly different information.

Step 4: What is it?

NoodleTools next prompts you to select the source type. From the list of sources under "What is it?" select the option that best describes your source.

  • The options vary depending on where you found your source.
  • Typical source types from a library database are journals, magazines, and newspapers. The library database generally identifies the source type for you.
  • Ask a librarian for help identifying the source type if you have a problem.

Create New Citation sample of options for "What is it?

Step 5: Complete citation form

Enter the identifying information about your source into the form.

  • Required information is noted with an * [asterisk] by the field name. Do not stop after entering the required information. Enter as much information about your source as you have.
  • Not sure what to enter or how to enter the information?
    • NoodleTools explains each field and links you to additional help resources, if you activated "Show Me" in your profile.
    • Click in the empty box on the form and read about what information is needed.
  • Review the information entered
    • Look for "warning" signs for potential formatting issues
  • Select "Save" to complete your citation. You cannot save a citation if you forget to input information into a required field.
Do not worry that your citation is not perfect. You can edit your citation later if you find a mistake.

Video tutorial: Create a Citation in NoodleTools

Watch the video "Create a Citation in NoodleTools" to learn how to create your first citation. Video is 1 min 17 sec

 This guide provides basic NoodleTools information. For detailed step-by-step instructions and in-depth information on topics like importing citations from databases or using Notecards use Solutions: NoodleTools Help Desk.