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NoodleTools Guide: Print the Works Cited

Get the basics on using this citation management software.

  Works Cited (References or Bibliography) is the list of citations for your project. NoodleTools creates and formats the list based on the source information entered and citation style selected for your project.

Step 1: Print/Export

Create your Works Cited page from the Sources screen of your Project.

  • Select "Export/Print" to view the options for printing and exporting to word processing software.
  • Selecting any of the three "Print/Export to" options (Word, RTF, or Google Docs) will create a properly formatted Works Cited page.
  • Avoid the "Preview as Web Page (HTML)" option. You will have to manually format the page.

Do NOT cut and paste from the source list – you will have to manually format the Works Cited page.

Step 2: Open & Save Document

The document created with the Print/Export to feature meets the standards for the citation style of your project.

If you find errors in a citation on your Works Cited page it is best to,

  • edit the citation in NoodleTools to fix the error, and
  • export the Works Cited page again.

 This guide provides basic NoodleTools information. For detailed step-by-step instructions and in-depth information on topics like importing citations from databases or using Notecards use Solutions: NoodleTools Help Desk.