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Circulation: Interlibrary Loan

Circulation services for Vol State patrons

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Resource Sharing is the umbrella term describing the exchange of books and materials between libraries to support the educational endeavors of students, faculty and staff. 

Interlibrary Loan (“ILL”) is the exchange of materials between libraries to support the needs of the Vol State community. 

Intercampus Loan* is the exchange of materials between the library and users at other campus locations within the Volunteer State community.

*This applies only to Online-Only patrons OR patrons at Cookeville, Livingston, and Springfield. Physical materials may be sent directly to the individual user or the closest campus for pickup.

Resources to consult prior to requesting materials:

  • If you are seeking full text for an article from a known periodical citation, please use our Journal Title List and enter the publication name (e.g. Rolling Stone, Harvard Business Review) to see if the library already provides full text access.
  • If you are seeking a book, DVD, or other non-periodical resources, please consult the Pioneer Search or WorldCat to determine if the library already owns the material.
  • If you are requesting a title that you think Vol State should consider adding to our collection, please consider recommending the title for purchase.

Who may borrow?

Current Vol State faculty, staff, and students currently in good standing with Thigpen Library (no overdue materials, etc).

What are the guidelines?

  • Requests are typically processed by Thigpen Library staff, and requested from other libraries, within 1 business day.
  • Copies are often delivered within 3-5 business days; allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery of physical materials to Gallatin campus (plus extra processing time for other campus locations).
  • Physical materials will be sent to patrons at Cookeville, Livingston, and Springfield; select the appropriate campus location using the appropriate field within the request form.
  • Borrower is responsible for any late, damaged or lost item fees imposed by the lending library.
  • Limits
    • Students: Limit of two (2) active requests at a time; 
    • Faculty & Staff: Limits are dependent on the volume & nature of requests.
    • Community Patrons: Not eligible at this time. Please contact your local public library. 
  • Textbooks
    • Required course textbooks will not be requested. This policy applies to Vol State students, and faculty/staff taking courses at Vol State or another institution. Faculty/staff should check with the library where they are enrolled. 
    • Faculty may request textbooks solely for review purposes or other course development needs relating to courses taught at Vol State. These materials are not to be used for personal purposes. Requests should be directly associated with the curriculum and instructional needs of the faculty’s teaching responsibilities.
  • Interlibrary Loan requests may be denied by Thigpen Library staff for various reasons, including but not limited to: costs to borrow, limited library holdings, limited staff, etc.

Get Help

General Library Questions

 Visit the ASK desk at your campus
 Call 615-230-3400

Research Assistance

 ASK a Librarian at your campus 
 Schedule an Appointment 
 Chat Live with a Librarian 24/7

More information

These guides have additional information on library services that may be of interest.