On this page learn about resources available and specialized services like ILL in library services for employees. Are you working on a degree? We can help with both your professional and personal enrichment information needs - Ask a Librarian.
In Thigpen Library in Galltin we have Leisure Reading & DVD collections on the first floor plus you will find many highly acclaimed books in our general circulating collection on the second floor. Use Pioneer Search to find items on the shelf in Thigpen or any Vol State campus library:
Books from the library shelves in Gallatin can be sent to any Vol State campus library.
Satisfy your professional and education needs with Thigpen Library's free online access to books, periodicals, and streaming videos through our subscription databases and single periodical online subscriptions.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is the sharing of resources, primarily books and articles, between libraries. Thigpen Library's Circulation Department can help you with ILL. Learn more about ILL and other services on the Circulation guide.
This online citation generator and management tool creates properly formatted citations for APA, MLA, and Chicago. Vol State has an institutional subscription; so, create your free account today.
Find an online citation tool that meets your needs from this list of popular tools.
Resources from Other Libraries
Interlibrary Loan - Detailed Information
Our resources may not be adequate for your bachelor or graduate courses; however, the College where you are enrolled as a student should have the print and online resources to support your studies. Most Colleges will send books to you from their main library when you are a distance education student. Another option is ILL. Vol State's ILL program can help, but your College may have special borrowing relationships for those hard to get items. Textbooks are not available through ILL.
The following links provide information on distance education services offered by libraries from a few of the Universities that Vol State employees are attending.
Visit the ASK desk at your campus
Call 615-230-3400
Email circulation@volstate.edu
ASK a Librarian at your campus
Email librarian@volstate.edu
Schedule an Appointment
Chat Live with a Librarian 24/7
The purpose of this guide is to provide Vol State Employees with information about Thigpen Library and its services, especially for those employees working on their degrees from other Colleges and Universities.
Images used on this guide are 1) available on the public domain, 2) created from a licensed resource, and/or 3) licensed under a Creative Commons license and used according to the terms in the license.