Drop-in Tutoring In-Person
Gallatin Campus
- Visit us in the Thigpen Building, 1st Floor during our hours of operation.
- If you have questions, please contact the reading/writing specialist via email:
- Diana Hardin: diana.hardin@volstate.edu
Springfield Center
- Visit us in Room 231 during our hours of operation.
- If you have questions, please contact the reading/writing specialist via email:
- Annie Burge: annie.burge@volstate.edu
Cookeville Campus
- Visit us in Room 304 during our hours of operation.
- If you have questions, please contact the reading/writing specialist via email:
- Kenny Westmoreland: lester.westmoreland@volstate.edu
Livingston Campus
- Tutoring is available in our Zoom Room (see below)
NOTE: Drop-in help is on a first-come-first-served basis, so if you are not able to wait, you might want to make an appointment using the "Appointments" box on this page.