Who is a Community Borrower?
- Non-student members of the local community.
- Non-active students such as those who graduated or are not currently enrolled in classwork.
How do I register as a community borrower?
- A valid photo ID is a driver's license, state-issued ID, military ID or passport, and is required on your first visit to borrow any items.
- After filling out the proper form you will be issued a library card which you may use for all visits.
- There is no charge for a community borrower card.
What is available for community borrowers?
- Most book and movie items may be checked out. Technology items or items on reserve are not available to community borrowers.
- Library database access is only available while on campus at a VSCC location.
- Computer access within the library (community borrower card is not required; show photo ID to obtain log-in credentials).
- Guest Wi-Fi access is available for your personal device; you will need mobile data to setup this access.
- When classes are in session, study rooms are only available for community borrowers in the evenings or on Friday.
- Printing and interlibrary loan services are not available for community borrowers at this time.
- Items are checked out for 2 weeks at a time.
- Renewals are available if items are not requested by another individual.
- A maximum of 5 items may be checked out on your account at any given time.
- Once established, your account will need verfication annually; therefore your account will expire at the end of each year.