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Group Study & Zoom Rooms

The library provides individual and group study rooms for use primarily by students. Our mission is to accommodate space for academic study. Given the demand for these rooms by students, study rooms may not be used for general meetings or non-academic purposes.

Is there a place I can Zoom?

Three rooms on the Library's 2nd floor
are designated "ZOOM Study"
for individual use only.

Zoom rooms are restricted to students attending a Synchronous Class*.

Zoom rooms feature whiteboards only; students should enter these rooms prepared to use their own laptop or a student laptop available to borrow from the library. Proof of enrollment in a synchronous course will be required when checking in. 

Students wishing to reserve a Zoom room for the entire semester should stop by the ASK desk.  

Room 202, with table, two chairs, and whiteboard on wall.

*Synchronous classes meet online at an established time for a class period during which the instructor & students are logged on simultaneously. (Asynchronous Classes are completed online by students at their own pace.)

Is there a place to work in groups?

Seven rooms on the Library's 2nd floor
are designated "Group Study"
for two or more individuals.

Group study rooms feature whiteboards and four of the rooms are equipped with a smartboard. A wireless keyboard and mouse may be checked out at the ASK desk when you pick up your room key for the smartboard.

Group study rooms are for two or more individuals. At least two members of your group must be present when checking out a group room.


Is there a quiet place to study?

All open areas of Thigpen Library's Second Floor
are presently designated as quiet spaces.
Short, whispered conversations are allowed.

Picture of second floor


Finding Study Spaces

                Red button with text Book a Study Room

Terms and Conditions

Limits, per person

  • 2 hour maximum time limit per reservation

  • 2 reservations per day

  • 5 reservations per week

  • Group study rooms are for 2 or more individuals. When checking in at the ASK desk, at least two members of your group must be present.

  • Zoom rooms are for use by a single individual attending an online synchronous class.

  • Rooms may not be used without first being reserved through the room reservation system. You must check in at the ASK desk (first floor) to gain access to the study rooms.


  • Study rooms are intended for students for academic use.

  • Thigpen Library’s food and drink policy applies to study rooms.

  • STUDY ROOMS ARE NOT SOUNDPROOF - Please maintain a moderate noise level.

  • Please do not bring furniture from outside the room.

  • Leave rooms in an orderly condition.

  • Users are responsible for replacement costs of lost keys.

  • Lights in study rooms must remain on at all times.

  • Please lock the door when you leave the room.

Unattended Rooms

  • The library is not responsible for personal property left unattended. Study rooms should not be left unattended for more than 15 minutes.

  • Rooms left unattended for more than an hour, or after your reservation time has ended, will be forfeited; Campus Police will gather any belongings left in forfeited rooms.

  • If you must leave the library during your reservation, please leave the room key at the 1st floor ASK desk.

  • If you have not arrived within 15 minutes of your scheduled reservation time, your reservation is forfeited.


Failure to comply with these policies may result in temporary or permanent suspension of access to study rooms.

Library Staff reserve the right to modify or cancel any reservation.

Contact Circ

Email or call 615-230-3400 for assistance identifying study spaces to meet your specific needs.


Email or call 615-230-3400 to inquire about ZOOM Booths.

At this time, ZOOM Booths are available exclusively to students enrolled in Synchronous* ClassesWe apologize for any inconvenience this incurs as the Library strives to balance Students' needs with Student & Staff safety. 

One-time Usage 

Reservations can be made online: Book a Study Room. When arriving for a reservation, stop by the 1st Floor ASK desk to check out the key. Be prepared to: 

  • present your Vol State ID card, and 
  • identify the Synchronous* Class you will be attending in the ZOOM Booth. 

Repeat Usage

Students may inquire about reserving a ZOOM BOOTH for a semester by visiting the 1st Floor ASK desk of Thigpen Library @ Gallatin with proof of enrollment in a Synchronous class.

Semester-long Zoom Room reservations are available on a first-come/first-served basis for students with proof of enrollment in a synchronous online class (e.g., your class-registration documentation; class schedule; class syllabus; etc.).

Please arrive at the Library 5-10 minutes prior to your reservation to check in. Be prepared to present your Vol State ID card.

*A Synchronous Class meets online at an established time for a class period during which the instructor & students are logged on simultaneously.
Asynchronous Classes are completed by students at their own pace.

Cancel a Reservation

Call (615) 230-3400 or email us at up to 15 minutes past the start time of your reservation to cancel.

Reminder - 3 consecutively missed reservations may result in forfeiture of your semester-long reservation. 

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