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Learn more about the various offerings at each Library

Thigpen Library @ Cookeville

Your Cookeville library specialists are Jim Malone and  Kaylie Staggs. Cookeville Higher Education Campus (CHEC) library features an open computer lab in Room 206; see here for lab information. Please call the CHEC library's main line at 931-520-0551 ext. 4650 for general questions. Email the Cookeville Library at

The library specialist's hours may change due to staffing and student needs. Research appointments may also be made with a library specialist outside of those designated hours or virtual reference appointments can be made with librarians at the main library.

If a library specialist is not present, students are encouraged to contact the main library using the Get Help page.

Meet with the librarians at the main library in Gallatin via Zoom! Schedule an appointment here: Book an appointment.


Vol State at Cookeville Building outside

Cookeville Building Facade

Cookeville Hours


Technology is available for borrowing from all library locations.

  • TI-84 graphing calculators and "no frills" calculators are available at all campus libraries.
  • Phone Charging Cables
  • Traditional and Noise-Cancelling Headphones
  • Laptops and iPads 

*Most of the technologies are available for check-out at all VSCC locations; exceptions are noted. If the technology isn't at your VSCC location you may request the item and it will be sent to you at your VSCC site location.

Requesting Materials for Delivery


The Tennessee Academic Library Cooperative (TALC) allows students and faculty/staff in the TBR, THEC, and UT systems to check out materials from any participating library (link opens in new window).

To be eligible for TALC you must be a currently enrolled student or be employed (full or part time) at a participating institution.

You must be able to log in to your campus portal to show that you are enrolled in course(s) for the current semester or that you are employed at the institution.

You will also be asked to show home campus ID. If you do not have a home campus ID, you may be asked to present a driver's license or other government-issued photo ID.

Borrowing privileges from a participating TALC library require that the borrower accept full responsibility for the items borrowed. As a TALC borrower, you agree to follow all rules and guidelines established by the lending library. Borrower responsibilities include returning materials in time and paying replacement cost of materials and fees, if charged by the lending library.

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