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Thigpen Library @ Springfield

Thigpen Library @ Springfield is housed on the second floor of Highland Crest in room 231. In addition to research skills, our librarian also offers tutoring and academic coaching. Room 235 is available for individuals and small study groups, and can be reserved up to two weeks in advance. Please stop by to browse our book collection, print class notes, checkout a calculator, or relax by the large windows. 


Springfield Gallery


Scheduling Information


Technology is available for borrowing from all library locations:

  • TI-84 Plus graphing calculators and TI-30X calculators

  • USB-C and Lightning charging cables

  • Traditional and Noise-Cancelling Headphones

  • Laptops and iPads

*Most of the technologies are available for check-out at all VSCC locations; exceptions are noted. If the technology isn't at your VSCC location, you may request the item and it will be sent to you at your VSCC site location.

Request Materials for Delivery

Materials Request Form

Books and periodical articles may be requested from the Thigpen Library collection at the Gallatin campus or through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) from other libraries. To request library books or periodicals from the Gallatin campus, please complete the form. This service is available to all Vol State students, faculty, and staff.


The Tennessee Academic Library Cooperative (TALC) allows students and faculty/staff in the TBR, THEC, and UT systems to check out materials from any participating library (link opens in new window).

To be eligible for TALC you must be a currently enrolled student or be employed (full or part time) at a participating institution.

You must be able to log in to your campus portal to show that you are enrolled in course(s) for the current semester or that you are employed at the institution.

You will also be asked to show home campus ID. If you do not have a home campus ID, you may be asked to present a driver's license or other government-issued photo ID.

Borrowing privileges from a participating TALC library require that the borrower accept full responsibility for the items borrowed. As a TALC borrower, you agree to follow all rules and guidelines established by the lending library. Borrower responsibilities include returning materials in time and paying replacement cost of materials and fees, if charged by the lending library.

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