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OPHT 1205: Overview

Resources to assist students with their ophthalmic research assignment for this class.

  Resources useful for research on ophthalmic topics and international assignment for OPHT 1205

Find Books in Thigpen Library & Beyond

Browse the shelves

Thigpen Library uses the Library of Congress classification system to categorize its books. Books of interest to Ophthalmology students will be in the Science - Q, and Medical - R sections.

  • Ophthalmology books are primarily found on the shelves in the RE section of the Medical books
  • The Science QP section has Anatomy and Physiology books with the books on the eye located in QP475

Search for books

Use an eBook

Borrow books from other libraries

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is the exchanging of books and materials between libraries to support the educational endeavors of students, faculty and staff at Volunteer State Community College.

Learn how to use ILL Services for your academic research with the following link.

Databases for Ophthalmology Research

Subscription databases have reference materials, books, and articles from magazines and journals. The following list of specialized library subscription databases have resources on many medical topics including ophthalmology.

Some library databases provides resources that take a broad look at many subjects. While not focusing on medical topics for the practitioner general interest article databases may be helpful with some aspects of a research project in ophthalmology.  

The Database Help guide answers common questions about login issues and using the library's online resources.

International Resources for OPHT 1205

These resources specifically support the OPHT 1205 assignment  "Assisting in the International Community".

Databases, books, and other resources on this page may be useful for this assignment.

The library guide Data, Statistics, and Infographics provides links to additional resources that may be of interest.

Find Journals (Periodicals)

Journal Finder is helpful when you are looking for a specific journal or magazine title available with full-text (complete) articles in a Thigpen Library database. Journal finder does not find articles; it directs you to the database that has the journal title in its collection.

Web Discovery Tools

PubMed and Google Scholar are free websites that provide citations for scholarly research and other information. CAUTION: Article and other citations discovered in PubMed or Google Scholar may not be freely available as a full-text (complete) article. If you discover an article that is not full-text you can use Thigpen Library's "Journal Finder" tool to see if the publication is available in a library database.

Google Scholar Search

When using Google Scholar from off-campus, you can configure its results to link to Vol State Library's full text collections.

  1. Choose the Gear Settings Icon at the top of the Google Scholar search screen.
  2. Select Library Links from the left-side options menu.
  3. Enter "Volunteer State Community College" into the search box; then select the Magnifying Glass Icon.
  4. Check the box for the Volunteer State listing (as well as "Open WorldCat") and then Save.

Ophthalmology Organizations

Professional organizations that support ophthalmology and its practitioners.

Librarian/Instruction Services

Profile Photo
Jon Hale
Thigpen Library 206
Subjects: Nursing


Profile Photo
Julie Brown

Director of Library Services and Learning Resources

Profile Photo
Becky Frank
Thigpen Library, Room 128
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