This page links you to library and online resources to find full-text copies of literary works – essays, novels, poetry, plays, short stories, and more. In the context of analysis the literary work you select is the primary work.
Thigpen Library has literature available in print and online formats. Use Pioneer Search - In the Library to find books available on the shelf. Not in Gallatin? Books will be sent to other Vol State campus libraries for checkout.
Prefer an eBook or cannot find what you need on the shelf? The eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) is available 24/7.
e-Books on a variety of academic subjects from leading academic publishers and university presses. Collection is primarily monographs but includes some reference titles.
Literature Online is a specialized literary database which include some full-text versions of various literary works in addition to author biographies and literary criticism. Literature Online is limited to writings from American and British authors. There are search options that only find full-text versions of literary works.
These links are for web-based resources that respect copyright and provide you with full-text access to a variety of literary works. The links are arranged alphabetically.
TIP 1: Use phrase search not word search for best results. What is the difference? A word search finds all your words in any order anywhere on the page or record. A phrase search matches the words exactly in the order you presented.
You want to read the short story Petrified Man by Eudora Welty. Use a phrase search by including quotation marks [ " "] around the title – "petrified man". The quotation marks tell the search engine this is a phrase search so I want my words to be together. If you are not sure of the complete title only use quotation marks around the words that you are certain should be together.
TIP 2: Add the author's last name to your search to narrow your results.
TIP 3 for users of Pioneer Search: Use advanced search to focus your search. Pioneer Search ignores phrase searching and sometimes goes a bit bonkers with quotation marks in the search box.