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Education: Writing an English essay?

Resources on education topics for both educators and students.

 This page recommends library databases for students who are seeking information on education topics for an English essay or speech. The Education Resources page links you to specialized databases and other resources on education topics. Education statistics on the Resources page connects you to education data on the local, national, and international level.

Library Databases for an essay or speech on an education topic

An in-depth report from CQ Researcher is an excellent resource for an English essay or speech on today's issues in U.S. society. Reports provide statistics and link you to other resources with a bibliography and recommended websites.

 CAUTION: Look at the publication date of the report.

The database Opposing Viewpoints  has topic pages on many education-related subjects in both K-12 and Higher Education. A topic page is a portal to information resources on a specific subject. Topic pages are organized by information types to help you evaluate and cite the source. You will find viewpoint essays (pro-con), journal articles, magazine articles, statistics, and links to reputable websites.

Examples of education-related topic pages are

  • charter schools
  • college campus safety
  • Every Student Succeeds Act
  • for-profit education
  • school dress codes
  • standardized testing.