Your physical, environmental, social, and emotional needs are important! Additionally, to learn effectively, you must have basic security: a roof over your head, a reliable place to sleep, and enough food to eat. If you're having trouble with any of those things, please talk with any staff member in the Learning Commons, contact your instructor, or reach out to one of the following resources:
Vol State offers many support services to its students. For more information about Campus Life, visit our website. The Vol State website also contains a helpful list of links to Student Resources. |
Vol State welcomes Catholic Charities to its Gallatin Campus! Vol State and Catholic Charities are part of a New Collaborative, Tennessee Alliance for Economic Mobility (TAEM). One of TAEM’s approaches is designed to mitigate the effects of the “benefits cliff”–a broken piece of the public support system that leaves low-income families worse off financially when they increase their income and thus de-incentivizes caregivers from pursuing increased earnings, education, and opportunity. TAEM's offers:
TAEM Coaches and Navigators are now located on the Vol State campus in the 300 building (building 21) on our "East Campus" across Gap Road.