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History: Need help?

Find information sources for use in history assignments or to learn more about a history topic.

 Contact the library and ask a librarian when you need help finding resource for your history class assignments. Completing your research assignment is easier when you take the time to understand the assignment and your research topic - go to help with your assignment for some tips and a video with suggestions for researching a topic. Citations are an important part of any research paper and Thigpen Library provides online resources to help with citations.

Need help? Questions?

  Ask a Librarian when you need research assistance or help using library resources.

Help with your Assignment

Review all your course assignments at the beginning of the semester.

Does an assignment require resources other than your textbook?

  • Find out where you find these resources.

Does an assignment require research?

  • Read the research assignment carefully.
  • Ask your professor if you have questions about the assignment.
  • A Vol State Librarian can help you find the resources needed for your assignment.

Video: Picking Your Topic is Research

Research, writing a paper, giving a speech, or creating a presentation is easier when you choose the right topic. Research your topic before committing to it.

Help with Citations

Understanding Citations

The research guide "Cite Your Sources" has information and resources for APA, Chicago, and MLA styles.

Watch this embedded video  "Citation: A (Very) Brief Introduction"  to better understand the role of citations in academic research.



NoodleTools is a web-based citation management software tool. Vol State students can create a free account and have  properly formatted citations and Works Cited page for their course assignments.

Need help creating your account or using this software? Check out NoodleTools: A Guide.