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History: U.S. History

Find information sources for use in history assignments or to learn more about a history topic.

U.S. constitution atop early U.S. flag

Learn more about United States history with these recommended resources. You can find articles in databases or use databases on issues in U.S. History. Books are always good resources for history research. Find books online and in the library. Watch a streaming video on U.S. history events and topics. Discover primary sources and digital collections with websites with U.S. history collections.

Find articles in databases

Use one or more of these databases to find articles on your history topic. All of these databases have scholarly articles, but ProQuest Research and US History have additional source types like magazines.

Find books

Books are an excellent resource for history research. Quickly determine if the book has what you need by using a print book's table of contents and index.

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Browse the Thigpen Library shelves

  • E51-73      Pre-Columbian America.
  • E75-99      Indians of North America
  • E101-135   Discovery of America and early explorations
  • E184-185    Afro-Americans
  • E186-199    Colonial history (1607-1775)
  • E201-298    The Revolution, 1775-1783
  • E300-453    Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861
  • E456-655    Civil War period, 1861-1865
  • E660-738    Late nineteenth century, 1865-1900
  • E740-837    Twentieth century
  • E838-889    Later twentieth century, 1961-2000
  • E895-904   Twenty-first century

Watch a streaming video

In the library's streaming video collections are documentaries on historical events and persons. The videos have transcripts that are searchable and take you quickly to any point in the video.

Issues in U.S. History

These library databases focus on specific issues in U.S. history.

These websites link you to other resources on issues in U.S. history.

Websites with U.S. History collections

These digital collections and websites have primary materials in U.S. history.