Access World News includes newspapers from around the world and more than 100 newspapers from Tennessee and is a good resource for research on current events.
NewsBank’s Special Reports are a collection of news articles, images, videos and other relevant content grouped for convenience under specific topics and themes. These reports help you understand different perspectives on current issues and events across the globe. Each report features current and background content with new articles added daily.
Special Reports
Click on the Cite icon to find the article citation based your style, e.g. MLA, then select and copy. Verify that the formatting meets the citation style standards.
Citations can also be exported to citation management software like NoodleTools or EasyBib.
Look for the "Copy Link" icon to find the permalink for a NewsBank article. These links are not proxied so they will not get you automatically back to the resource. There is information on non-proxied links at Login Issue: link...(permalink) on the Database Help: Login Issues page.
Learn how to conduct a basic search in the NewsBank interface. Video is 1 minute 37 seconds.
Thigpen Library subscribes only to Access World News and does not provide access to any other NewsBank resources mentioned
NewBank has a variety of videos available on their website. Look for the videos with How To and new interface in the title
This page offers easy access to Access World News (NewsBank) database and provides a few tips about using these resources effectively. It is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to the database; it simply assists Vol State users with common questions. Use the "Help" link in for additional help.